Helpful Blog Building tips/resources

Ever see cute blogs and think I wish mine looked adorable too? Well it can and you can do it all by yourself without shelling out big bucks to make it look that way. Here are a few of the resources that I have found helpful in my journey to make my own blog "pretty".  *This page will be updated often so please check back regularly*

First things first, sign up for a Photobucket or Flicker account to upload all of you images too. You can design in or in Photoshop Elements (PSE). I use Photoshop Elements 10.

Want a cute custom blog signature? Here is a great tutorial:

Want a blog grab box? This website makes it too easy!

Do you like all those cute social media icons? If you have the savvy to create your own you can make them "clickable" here.

Want the Pintest hover button to show on your pictures? Here is a great tutorial for that:

This website will show you what a word will look like in ALL the fonts on your computer all in one place. No more changing fonts a million times and trying to remember which one you liked best.  (This is one of my favorite ones)

Want to make the pictures you post to your blog look better? Here is a blog post that outlines some really easy steps to use in Photoshop elements. (They also have super cute stamps, please go check them out and if you use this tutorial leave them some love. I know how nice it is to hear feedback on my posts)

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